Apple reveal the cause of the technical problems in some phones iPhone 6

Apple reveal the cause of the technical problems in some phones iPhone 6

Complained in the recent period the number of users of Mmtlki iPhone mobile 6 Boutrasais for anumber of technical problems that were causing a sudden stop to these phones , which have been attributed to problems in the battery, before Apple reveals the full reason behind this problem ,which has raised a lot of controversy . 

Apple unveiled the Chinese version of its customized support that the main reason for the problems of iPhone devices 6 stopped due mainly to a problem in the battery , where the company hasconfirmed that the batteries of the ambient air exposure for a long period during the assembly process in the company in charge of factories producing iPhone 6, as these batteries are discharged quickly larger than usual what causes the problems that users complained about them in the recent period. 

The company indicated that it comes to a limited number of iPhone mobile 6 and which wereproduced in the period between September and October of last year 2015, the company haslaunched a program to examine the iPhone mobile 6 through their serial numbers to see if they wereproduced in the same period and thus compensate owners through free replacement battery.

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