With Hy .. strangest wireless headset may consider than ever before!

No doubt you've tried many types of wired headsets including the wireless, but you agree with me that most of these headsets uncomfortable because of tangled wires, and the headsets Wireless lacks independence energy, does not last more being equipped Bbtaraa which lasts a few hours of music playback.

But innovators and companies do not stand idly by, they always announce the headphones of different designs and new technologies, Akherha headset "Hy". This handset, which appeared in the collective funding Kickstarter site, they headset strange designs they rely on streaming audio by connecting the bone and is connect the sound to the inner ear directly, through the bones of the skull. The design allows to listen to the external audio without blocking your ear drum.
Also featured in this strange handset is its battery which lasts for more than 18 continuous hours before recharging, they come Bbtareeten a capacity of 260mAh. It is also equipped with sound sensors detect and heart rate, and even the temperature of Aljsm.ama design and make it invisible as is the case with most headsets on the market.

The headset is now in campaign financing in the site Kickstarter and now has been able to collect more than 12,000 dollars of the amount requested, a 84 000 dollars and the rest of the time 37 days at the end of the campaign.

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