Reports: Lenovo are interested in the acquisition of the computer industry in Samsung

Reports: Lenovo are interested in the acquisition of the computer industry in Samsung

At a time when laptops market suffers from a significant drop in sales impact on the industry giants, it seems that the Chinese Lenovo is still betting on raising its share in this market, which appears to be pushing the company to attempt the acquisition of the computer industry in the Samsung company.

South Korean newspaper "The Bell" pointed out in a report, according to sources within the Samsung quoted by a number of international media that Lenovo has entered into advanced negotiations for several months with the Samsung companies for the acquisition of the Chinese company on the computer sector in the South Korean company, a sector which is not Samsung to achieve the desired profits which is paid to try to "get rid" of this activity in order to devote themselves to making smartphones and tablet computers and focus on them completely.

While not yet Lenovo attached to this news directly to the Samsung denied in an official communiqué willingness to give up the personal computer industry and this news is incorrect.

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