Piracy operation allows electronic access to information thousands of US Marines

Piracy operation allows electronic access to information thousands of US Marines

The US Navy announced that displays data from thousands of employees in the marine corps, as it comes to the data current and former employees, as this process is one of the largest piracy suffered by the United States of America.

At a time when the US Navy denied that its systems had been hacked directly he pointed out that the hackers were able to piracy this sensitive information after their access to a staff computer company Hewlett Packard "HP" and contracted with the US Navy.

Navy indicated that piracy has at the end of last October, but they did not announce it, but this week, and related information leaked especially data current and former employees of the US Navy, and on top of this information, we find the names and social security numbers, marine and pointed out that the number of employees affected numbered 134,000 employees.

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