Facebook begins testing its new service in India

Facebook begins testing its new service in India

It seems that Facebook is still determined to go ahead with its project linking users across the world, especially in remote and distant areas of the Internet, which for this purpose has launched a lot of initiatives, such as Internet.org then service Free Basics part of the initiative, which encountered problems in India, but Facebook I have not lost hope yet.

The Indian authorities have aborted last year's location social networking Free Basics service Facebook inside Indian territory because of what it considered control of the company because of limited sites that the user can penetrates them through this service and therefore considered as a kind of monopoly is, the thing that has prevented Free Basics, but it seems that Facebook has not lost hope yet and guide it back a new project.

Facebook unveiled a new project , which is currently testing in India and carries the name "Express WiFi" on your site with this initiative, the company suggests that "with the Express WiFi, working with mobile phone operators, Internet service providers, and local entrepreneurs to assist in outreach Internet at least for the most underserved places for services around the world. We are now working in India, and we will expand to other regions soon. "

Facebook also stressed that the new initiative aims to activate the role of local entrepreneurs "working Express WiFi on activating the role of local entrepreneurs to assist in the provision of Internet delivery of high quality Alymnatq surrounding them and achieve a steady income. Through cooperation with Internet service or mobile network operators providers portable, they can be to use the software provided by Facebook to link the members of their communities. "the company added that on this initiative," when people can buy a fast internet can be relied upon at an affordable price, will be able to explore the Internet the wealth of information include news, education, health, jobs and entertainment and communication tools such as Facebook. "

This did not provide Facebook after more information about the Action Express WiFi initiative mechanism.

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