Snapchat preparing to launch a "Alselva 3D"

The application of social networking is still snapchat works actively to develop itself in the face of the rest of his rivals, especially after news reports last week indicated that snapchat overcome the social networking site Twitter by the number of active users per day, including more than 150 million users, but this is not everything .

Since the image is the main pillar in the application snapchat the latter attaches great importance on the grounds that the application snapchat was the first to the principle of self-image adopted destruction, which lasts a few seconds after the view, and it is clear that snapchat want to launch a new feature in this connection will gain the admiration of many.

Site "Techcrunch" American specialist pointed out that snapchat actually acquired the company "Seene" recently and secretly, and the site indicates that the company concerned is working on the development of photo-taking self "Sylvie" technology 3D three-dimensional technology, and according to sources, the Snape Chat interested in this technology that will enable in the future to provide feature 3D images Alselva self-destructing.

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