10 facts and amazing results on the electronic attacks to occur now!

Cyberspace is not free at all of the security holes, any site how what kind could be carrying a security vulnerability, and it is fair in any moment of electronic attacks, today and in the subject will offer but 10 unusual information you can you and for the first time will discover about cyber attacks.

And start with the first piece of information and are very important and that says that last year, and according to statistics, most users who have been hacked, passwords which they use them is in the form of "123456".
Social networking is the favorite target for hackers to attack the victims and their Alaha.
$ 400 billion is the ratio of material losses as a result of cyber attacks, including commercial sectors affected annually!
Number of e-mail attacks on the security of between 80-90 million accidents annually.
20% of small and medium-sized companies suffered electronic crimes and the reason being the lack of these rewards companies for whistleblowers security holes in first class.
Microsoft says it has reached more than 10 million attempt to attack the various services a day !!
Last year was registered healthcare sector as the most exposed to piracy.
40% of those who have been subjected to penetration by targeting their penetration of credit cards in first class.
70% of cyber attacks are not recognized on the owners to the limits of time.
The discovery of the identity of the hackers and the average middle after exactly 200 days after the Execution attack.
The latter can be said that Te facts may be insufficient or something like that but it's to be the topic is boring us successful collects only 10 facts and information that you can for the first time discovered about cyber attacks.

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