Microsoft plans to store the data in the DNA!

مايكروسوفت تخطط لتخزين البيانات في الحمض النووي !

It seems that the data storage technology is going through a revolutionary change in our outlook for the future of this technology, and this is at least as revealed by new reports issued during the past two days.

Where the company "Twist BioScience" competent in the industrial DNA industry reported in an official statement that it made a deal with the giant US technology company, "Microsoft", the company which sold 10 million thread of DNA artificial "DNA" and in order to research in this area .

According to a statement Twist BioScience Inc., the Microsoft Corp. tested the possibility of storing data within the industrial DNA, where it is possible for a thread of DNA and one that stores more than a thousand billion GB of data and is what means the number of minutes in a huge storage space.

Despite expectations about the data is stored in the DNA but that it is still in its infancy

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