Child of ten succeed in penetrating Anstaqram and get $ 10,000 from Facebook!

Media revealed competent for all Finnish children at the age of only 10 years to the amount of $ 10,000 Kmkavih by the company Facebook after his success in the detection of serious gap at the level of site sharing photos and short video of the social networking site Facebook.

Child Finn "Jani / Janie," said the site Finn "Iltalehti" that loophole discovered by the level of application Instagram managed to delete comments and the content of any user and is prompting small hacker to inform the company Facebook via the e-mail message at the end of last February, before that the company is solving the problem through a security update was released in March.

Child Janie got the equivalent of the social networking site Facebook counterpart big for his size and reached the equivalent to US $ 10,000 and in the framework of a project Facebook to reward discoverers of security holes in their systems and their applications "bug bounty".

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