pepper hacker: a strange shuts down all technological devices in your home at the same time

pepper hacker: a strange shuts down all technological devices in your home at the same time

Smart phones and tablets as well as computers among its tasks is to facilitate communication between the people and bring them closer, but unfortunately, these devices are becoming the cause of long-zoom and ignore the short, yes. Many of us may be isolated in a room with a computer or with the phone without speaking with his family for a long time , this is one of the problems that we are experiencing in our time today.

pepper hacker:جهاز غريب يقوم بإيقاف جميع الأجهزة التكنولوجيا في منزلك في نفس الوقت !

To solve this dilemma, the emergence of a strange device for almost a year, but probably do not recognize his name "pepper hacker", this device shuts down all connected devices in the home, including smart phones, tablets, computers, and even television.
This device has a curious design, which resembles a milling machine ordinary household pepper, but inside sophisticated technology allows parents to turn off all household appliances from phones, computers and other for 30 minutes

The device featured in a television commercial for the company Dolmio by the marketing manager Richard Sttiar "We believe that the meals shared by the family, and often contribute technology to keep them away from each other and which are supposed to bring us closer together, so we have created a" pepper hacker 
to help reunite family at the dinner table again

Australian creative agency Clemenger BBDO, which has worked with Dolmio company on the project says it's real, where he explained that the device is now in the development stage, but the company hopes to enter design competitions worldwide

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