Download Now application miitomo who achieved more than a million downloads in just three days

Download Now application miitomo who achieved more than a million downloads in just three days


Since last year, we expect to hear news here and there about the intention of Japan's Nintendo Co. Ltd. rich from the definition entry to the world of smart phones to improve their position and respond to the demands of users, Nintendo announced its intention to develop games for smart phones and tablets, and that it would be a big change, of course, if we consider the definition traditional for the company. In recent weeks it appeared the first official application from the company called miitomo, has achieved more than a million downloads in a matter of three days and only in Japan

This application as mentioned above is the first official application of the Nintendo releasing it into the smart phone market, which is available for the Android system, as well as IOS was launched on 17th of last month, and was launched exclusively on Japanese territory

But unlike expected, this application is not a game as expected, but the application of, in essence, is the platform messages, somewhat like a hybrid application between Twitter and Alwats August with cartoon characters enables the user to develop his own image and use the application to chat and exchange messages with friends

Free miitomo but its purchase feature from within the application, you can purchase a range of accessories and clothes to change the shape of the characters. As the application is now available in a range of countries, after Jean limited to Japan only, and you can see these states list through this link.

Application site link
Download Link from Google Play

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